Happy New Year From Our Executive Director

To Our Friends and Family,

Happy New Year! I hope everyone is having a fabulous start to 2017. I am overwhelmed with gratitude by the miracles that occurred in 2016.

ARC opened in January 0f 2016 with 14 bed spaces. By January 14th of 2016 we had accepted 14 residents. In the first week of January 2017, we have expanded to 44 bed spaces. We have residents who are in their final phase of treatment at ARC and who are getting ready to graduate. They have successfully completed our treatment curriculum, maintained full-time employment, actively worked 12-step programs, and gained valuable financial management and community service skills. This is a small snapshot of the dedication and miraculous work being done by the men in our program.

ARC has a dynamic, amazing team of 27 passionate staff, volunteers, interns, and Board of Directors. Everyone working here is an integral piece of the team. We have developed an exciting fundraising agenda for the year ahead that will continually involve our friends and family as well as the Athens, GA community in our aim to become a recovery movement. We have plans to open our Women’s Center in 2017. ARC received a grant that matches each dollar donated 100%, dollar for dollar

In summation, I want to express to everyone my sincere gratitude. I am personally blown away by everyone’s commitment to ARC’s success. Your donations, your time, your efforts.  I realize that we would not still be in operation without the relentless support of the community. Together we have helped many men in from the cold and onto the #pathway2freedom.

Brandy W. Anderson, B.A., C.A.C II
Executive Director
Acceptance Recovery Center

It always seems impossible until it is done.

- Nelson Mandela

Anonymous Superstar

Our Anonymous Superstar this month is a man who struggled with methamphetamine abuse for years. He became weary of the lifestyle and prison life and decided that he really wanted to try and get clean for his son. He became a father for the first time at 42-years old and saw the wreckage that drug and alcohol abuse had left in his life.

Our resident has completed several phases of ARC’s treatment and he maintains a positive attitude. Our Superstar appreciates the structure provided at ARC. His main goal aside from long-term recovery is to marry his son’s mother and be the best father he can be. The smile and the light in his eyes expresses that he is well on his way on the #pathway2freedom.

Lasagna – January’s Cooking Skills Dinner
Courtesy of Chef Kyle Kilgo

Service Spotlight January 2017
Kyle Kilgo

Kyle Kilgo, local chef extraordinaire at The Graduate in Athens, GA, is our service spotlight volunteer for the month of January. Kyle comes to ARC once a month and facilitates a cooking skills class with the residents using ingredients readily available in the ARC cupboards. He has been volunteering in various capacities since he was 6-years old. Recovery is a pursuit especially close to Chef Kilgo’s heart. He has been in recovery for several years and is thankful for those who helped him when he was starting his path to sobriety. He relishes seeing the men in the program get excited over the monthly culinary creations. ARC is grateful to Chef Kilgo and we look forward to tasting his delicious food in 2017!

Acceptance Recovery Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supporting intense treatment and recovery in the lives of addicts. We aspire to Be The Good in the world and to inspire others to Be The Good. We thank you for your continued support.